Keeping Your Memory: Alternative Therapeutic Approaches to Alzheimer’s Disease

A guest article by Dr. Rammohan Rao PhD, CAS, Research Associate Professor at The Buck Institute for Research on Aging in Novato, CA. His research focus is in the areas of neuronal cell death and mechanisms of age-associated neurodegenerative diseases. 

According to the U.S. Census, more and more people are living to age 100 and beyond. The centenarian population has increased 65.8 percent in the past three decades. The question is, does this extended longevity come with a high quality health span? Do we just want to live longer, or do we want to age well without having any serious health issues?

senior mane

One of the more troubling aspects of growing old is the upsurge of dementia—today, nearly 44 million people around the world suffer from it. More specifically, dementia due to Alzheimer’s is on the rise; 5.3 million Americans now have Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and of the 300 million people currently living in the U.S., 45 million will ultimately develop AD. Currently, there is no cure.

Even though our understanding of AD is better than ever before, we are still so far from a cure. The reason for this is that AD is multi-factorial and includes—but is not limited to—vascular health, inflammation, hormone levels, lifestyle, diet, toxins and infections. So it’s unlikely that there’s going to be a single drug to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. It’s probably going to take a combination of therapies, drugs and life style changes.

To learn more about alternative approaches to AD, join me as I present at Seniors At Home’s Aging with Style event on Thursday May 19. In this talk, I will focus on all these aspects and how we plan to combine programmatics with drug discovery that would directly impact the people with and people who are likely to develop AD.

Please join us and Dr. Ram Rao at our upcoming Aging with Style event, ‘Keeping Your Memory: Alternative Therapeutic Approaches to Alzheimer’s Disease.’

When: Thu., May 19, 2016
Where: JFCS, 2150 Post St, San Francisco
Cost: Free

Light refreshments provided. Please feel free to bring your own bag lunch.

Register Online Today or call 415-449-3777